7 Days To Die Servers Twinscythe PVE Friendly Community Server Wiped and Raw as of 02/27/2019! Come help build the new community! The server is running botman now and there are all kinds of new features, safety and security advantages! 7 Days to Die FLASHBACK ALPHA 16.4 SERVER Port: […]
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Here is where you can download the launcher: https://7d2dmodlauncher.org/ Installation Instructions. (If you don’t use the mod launcher) Make a copy of your 7 Days to Die folder first!!! Download the zip file at the link above. Unzip the 7DaysToDie_Data, Data and Mods folder to your 7 Days to Die […]
2/28/2018 We had a world wipe. Here is the world left behind. First isĀ quick look at B’s secret home – Get a close up look at how this Admin Lives! Then it’s off to the spawn town tour with sounds of the end of the world in the background! […]
Easter Theme Building Contest! ENDS APRIL 1st! Get your builds done! Don’t miss out on amazing Prizes! As winter comes to an end, and we all become more eager for the warmth that Spring brings… The Twinscythe staff welcomes you to participate in our Spring themed building contest!! Contest entries […]