Hey Guys! I have some awesome news for you regarding the Twinscythe Gaming Community website. We’re thrilled to announce that we’re revamping our community functions to provide you with an even more immersive and engaging experience. We’ve taken your feedback into account and have introduced exciting features like messages, activity […]
Hey Guys! I have dreamed of this moment since A13! We now have horses! You can use apples to befriend them and make saddles for them!We have also fixed some bugs and added a TON of new food recipes. Over time we will reevaluate any mods we are using and […]
Hey all! We wiped the server today to test out our new mods and get ready for the final release of 7 days to die alpha 19! Please help us our by testing the config and commands we are using. Everyone who is around today 08/15/2020 will get a stack […]
Many of you have had some issues with alpha 17. Some people simply cant even run it on their computer anymore. With you in mind we created this experiment! Twinscythe Flashback PVE A16.4 Port: 20154 Please share this with anyone you know who may be considering quitting or have […]
7 Days To Die Servers Twinscythe PVE Friendly Community Server Wiped and Raw as of 02/27/2019! Come help build the new community! The server is running botman now and there are all kinds of new features, safety and security advantages! 7 Days to Die FLASHBACK ALPHA 16.4 SERVER Port: […]
2/28/2018 We had a world wipe. Here is the world left behind. First isĀ quick look at B’s secret home – Get a close up look at how this Admin Lives! Then it’s off to the spawn town tour with sounds of the end of the world in the background! […]
Easter Theme Building Contest! ENDS APRIL 1st! Get your builds done! Don’t miss out on amazing Prizes! As winter comes to an end, and we all become more eager for the warmth that Spring brings… The Twinscythe staff welcomes you to participate in our Spring themed building contest!! Contest entries […]